Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Improve Your Website Ranking After Google's Panda & Penguin Update

The recent penguin updates by Google have sent the SEO as well as the corporate world into a bit of frenzy. The reason being that the set of algorithms that have be released by them aim at decreasing the rankings and popularity of websites and contents that violate and infringe their laws. Google cannot bring down each and every one of these site individually. Hence, there tactics involve lowering the position that these infringing websites hold.
However the objective of this update was to avoid web spam, butt resulted in many websites being intimated about having unusual linking. This resulted in a lot of resentment owing to the fallacy of the undertaking. Taking on a giant like Google will be at the bottom of the remedial list for those seeking justice. Instead of this, websites choose to modify their content in order to be able to cope with this reform. The following are a few of the steps that may be taken to avoid having ones  SEO affected by these updates.
More is not always good:

The trick to being able to beat this is that always having more content is not the solution to it all. The reasoning is simple ~ it leads to too many linkings. People think that the more SEO content they have, the more their rankings will improve. The truth of the matter now is that the more the matter that these sites have, the more these updates will downgrade their current standing. The move that would be preferred is to not overcrowd on excessive SEO matter and be specific in terms of the category that one tries to cater to.
Quality over quantity: 

This age old saying applies in this regard without a doubt. SEO providers think that the more matter they have, the more crowds they draw and hence their revenue and rankings improve. This however turns out to be a complete flop taking into consideration the motive of Google’s penguin updates. There should concentration on building the quality of material which encompasses within its paradigm, structured matter, strong keywords and easy simple content. Getting around this should not be a problem if a few of these methods are put to practice. 
Play it safe:
The reason why some companies are facing defection charges is because they believed that a few links here and there would go undetected and that would in turn save some revenue with regard to building one’s own matter to build his or her site’s credibility. The step here involves never using any links without permission hoping to avoid detection. Sooner or later, the updates will catch on and that will lead to complications.All in all, the main purpose of the penguin updates by Google reduces the habit of smaller sites piggy-backing on the success of other sites. Instead of taking this update as a penalty for cheating, it should be handled like an incentive to have more self sufficiency with regard to genuinely original and unique content.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

How to react to Google’s Panda Updates

The Google panda updates refers t a set of algorithms that were made to curb any form of SEO related violations of their policies and guidelines. Even though the update has its pitfalls, there are a number of areas where the fallacies may be detected and rectified to take care of shortcomings. The update aims to detect where there is excessive unusual linkages by sites and also where SEO has been used to boost a sites rankings and hence its traffic via Google. The brighter side that SEO firms and sites can look forward to however is that it reflects an unbiased evaluation of their performance and how they may go about further rectifications. The updates detect how far the content of the site is effective and how it can be improved. For those who have been diligent with their site building and SEO development, there is no problem with regard to any complexity that may develop in the future. For those who have depended on strong and repetitive content, as well as unauthorised linkages, that could spell out a host of measures that would have to be undertaken to make things right. Even Wall Street firms seemed to have landed themselves into a bit of complication after the panda updates. But that was taken in their stride and initiatives were taken up to fix up the matter wherever possible. The first and foremost place where one should react is to see the areas where one has violated Google’s guidelines with regard to content. The process of rectification begins with identification of these areas and fixing them using content that does not in any way violate any laws or policies. The update will detect mostly content which is repetitive in nature and those which draw their material from other sources. The best way to deal with this kind of infringement is to take off all such matter and begin from scratch so that the material is unique and original. For a greater part of it, the initiative by Google was to weed out those violate such infringements but in the end it turned out o be more of a penalizing mechanism for sites and SEO carriers who did not follow protocol that is prescribed by them. The penalty being that their rankings with regard to Google’s standings will go down. Thus, the first thing that someone must do after getting hold of his or her panda updates is to make sure that the matter in contest is immediately pulled down and remedial procedures are put into place. Google panda updates have positive as well as negative effects and these can be taken care of if only there is some amount of motivation to do things the right way. A lot of people seem to be panic stricken after the recent update and may have been shaken up a bit but there is nothing much to worry about unless the matter in question is absolutely damned beyond redemption.

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