Monday, September 24, 2012

how to create An Extremely Popular Blog

Short memorable domain name Its a crucial beginning. Make things easy for us by avoiding long, It is One of the reasons & I don’t visit on some blogs more than one time is their domain names. While trying to favor search engines in the choice of domain name, we are interested in having a popular blog, start by choosing with unique & different a domain name that’s more easy to remember. Use beautifully simple theme It is believed that there is benefit of throwing words against free themes but benefits of installing  is only a premium theme on blog are enormous. This is a One of these is the positive impact on credibility and brand name but  Premium themes are highly customisable, responsive, documented, social...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Google Penguin Update Recovery Tips & Advice

Many web site are Struggling to know what to do in the wake of Google’s Penguin Update? Webmaster or web site owners not understanding how to react & how handle Google Penguin Update ! well before handling this Recovery of Google Penguin first you need to know ? What is penguin update ? Google Penguin Update was launched on April 24 & It was a Google change for search results & it was designed just to punish pages which have been spamming Google for long time. If you’re not familiar with spamming site, so in this case's people prefer to do “keyword stuffing” or “cloaking” Most of webmaster in confusion with Penguin & they wanna know is Penguin Fully Live on Search Engines? so penguin  was taked a few days for on Search...

Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Improve Your Website Ranking After Google's Panda & Penguin Update

The recent penguin updates by Google have sent the SEO as well as the corporate world into a bit of frenzy. The reason being that the set of algorithms that have be released by them aim at decreasing the rankings and popularity of websites and contents that violate and infringe their laws. Google cannot bring down each and every one of these site individually. Hence, there tactics involve lowering the position that these infringing websites hold.However the objective of this update was to avoid web spam, butt resulted in many websites being intimated about having unusual linking. This resulted in a lot of resentment owing to the fallacy of the undertaking. Taking on a giant like Google will be at the bottom of the remedial list for those...

Monday, July 16, 2012

How to react to Google’s Panda Updates

The Google panda updates refers t a set of algorithms that were made to curb any form of SEO related violations of their policies and guidelines. Even though the update has its pitfalls, there are a number of areas where the fallacies may be detected and rectified to take care of shortcomings. The update aims to detect where there is excessive unusual linkages by sites and also where SEO has been used to boost a sites rankings and hence its traffic via Google. The brighter side that SEO firms and sites can look forward to however is that it reflects an unbiased evaluation of their performance and how they may go about further rectifications. The updates detect how far the content of the site is effective and how it can be improved. For those who have been diligent with their site building...

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